Algairén is a small independent honey brand located in the Cariñena region of Aragon. This label was created for the 2020 production line. The design combines the hexagonal cells of the beehive with an Islamic inspired patterning, referencing the history and nomenclature of the region.
nital logo draft (left) and islamic design (right)
Bee icon
The bee icon, which reoccurs through the company branding, was created using geometric elements cut from the initial Islamic design and given minor embellishments, whilst the lettering was created using a custom font with a vaguely Arabic theme.
These elements combine into the final logo, pictured below.
Final logo
As the render image shows, the intent was that the printed lable be a glossy-matte laminate mix with debossing used to pick out and accentuate the metallic gold trim and detailing.
These elements combine to convey to the consumer that Algairén is a premium brand honey and that no expense has been spared in production.
Below is a flat colour print of the labelling.