First Contact: 2035
First Contact 2035 is a 200-player megagame created by Very Large Huge Games. The game centres around the near future arrival of aliens to a dystopic and increasingly dysfunctional Earth, and play involves roleplaying and gaming out how the various interests and factions of Earth will respond
Players are divided into around 30-40 teams of varying sizes, each representing an earth nation, alien faction or human corporation with multiple, often opposing, goals. The game plays not dissimilarly from a large scale version Risk, though, as you might imagine, significantly more complex.
Art for the game comes in many forms the 500 or so playing cards used by the players, which represent everything from military technologies, to resources, to faction-specific objective cards which need to be purchased from other players, or else given away.
While all the card decks are tied together by a similar layout, various custom made symbols are used to distinguish them from one another as well as slight palette changes (cards for human teams have different, blue-hued background art vs the pinks and purples used for alien team cards, for example)
The art itself was done using a combination of 3D modelling and photobashing using stock imagery. Due to the forgiving size of the printed images I was able to produce a very large number of unique artworks in a relatively short amount of time using these techniques
Not wanting to be sued, the corporation factions required fictional corporate logos, roughly based on real world analogues, trying to mimic their brand styles.
Finally, the game required a small amount of marketing material. I made this in the form of teaser traliers, again using the photobashed style of the card art.